Test (under construction)

Before taking the test: Please note that this isn’t a survey, and these aren’t questions. They’re propositions. To question the logic of individual ones that irritate you is to miss the point. Some propositions are extreme, and some are moderate. That’s how we can show you whether you lean towards extremism or moderation on the Compass. Your responses should not be overthought. Some of them are intentionally vague. Their purpose is to trigger reactions in the mind, measuring feelings and prejudices rather than detailed opinions on policy.

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1/46 #0Freedom of big business is the best practical way a society can prosper.
2/46 #1Charity is a better way of helping those in need than social welfare.
3/46 #2Organisations and corporations cannot be trusted and need regulating by a government.
4/46 #3A government that provides for everyone is an inherently good idea.
5/46 #4The welfare system does not go far enough towards solving problematic inequality.
6/46 #5Wages are usually fair, as big business knows best what a worker's labour is worth
7/46 #6It is human nature to be greedy.
8/46 #7Land should not be a commodity to be bought and sold.
9/46 #8All industry and banks should be nationalised.
10/46 #9Exploitation is an outdated term, as the struggles of 1800s capitalism do not exist anymore.
11/46 #10Communism is an ideal that can never work in practice.
12/46 #11Taxation of the wealthy is a bad idea, society would be better off without it.
13/46 #12Child labour should be legal, as they are entitled to work for a wage.
14/46 #13Class is a primary division of society.
15/46 #14Economic inequality is too high in the world.
16/46 #15The government should be less involved in the day to day life of its citizens.
17/46 #16It is right that a government may spy on its citizens, to combat extremists and terrorists.
18/46 #17Authority figures, if morally correct, are a good thing for society.
19/46 #18Strength is necessary for any government to succeed.
20/46 #19Only a government can fairly and effectively regulate organisations.
21/46 #20A society without democracy is unfavourable.
22/46 #21Jury Nullification should be legal.
23/46 #22The smaller a government, the freer people.
24/46 #23As things are right now, society requires structure and bureaucracy in order to function best.
25/46 #24Mandatory IDs should be used to ensure public safety.
26/46 #25A government should only provide, at most, emergency services and law enforcement.
27/46 #26In times of crisis, safety becomes more important than civil liberties.
28/46 #27Police should exist to protect the people, not uphold the status-quo by force.
29/46 #28State schools are a bad idea, because our state shouldn't be influencing our children.
30/46 #29If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
31/46 #30Homosexuality is against my values.
32/46 #31Transgender individuals should not be able to adopt children.
33/46 #32Two consenting individuals should be able to do whatever they want with each other, even if it makes me uncomfortable.
34/46 #33An individual’s body is their own property, and should be able to do anything they desire to it.
35/46 #34Drugs are harmful and should be banned.
36/46 #35The death penalty should exist for certain crimes.
37/46 #36Non-violent crimes should still be punished.
38/46 #37Without religion one cannot be moral.
39/46 #38Parents should hold absolute power over their children, as they are older and more experienced.
40/46 #39A person should be able to worship whomever or whatever they want.
41/46 #40Nudism is perfectly natural.
42/46 #41Animals deserve certain universal rights.
43/46 #42Gender is a social construct, not a natural state of affairs.
44/46 #43Multiculturalism is bad.
45/46 #44Laws based on cultural values, rather than ethical ones, are not justice.
46/46 #45Autonomy of body extends even to minors, the mentally ill and serious criminals.